From Sept 1-May 31, all recreationists in a training or maneuver area who are not in a stationary position must wear at least one of the following articles of visible, external apparel with at least 50 percent of its surface area solid blaze orange in color: hat, cap, vest, coat, jacket, sweatshirt, shirt, or coveralls
AREAS C, F & I WILL BE WALK-IN ONLY FOR RECREATION FROM JAN 13-23. (Old Hwy 77, 1st Div Road, Old Hwy 82 and all associated tank trails north of Rubio Road will be CLOSED during this period)
Jan13-17 Jan18-20 Jan21 |
TA19, A, B, D, E, H, K, L, M, O, P A, B, D, E, H, K, L, M, O, P TA19, A, B, D, E, H, K, L, M, O, P |
Jan13-17 |
2A-18A, 1-18, 20-24; C, F, I, G, J, N, Q |
Jan18-20 Jan21 |
2A-18A, 1-24; C, F, I, G, J, N, Q 2A-18A, 1-18, 20-24; C, F, I, G, J, N, Q |
Jan13-21 |
Jan13-20 Jan21 |
C, F, I, G, J, N, Q G, J, N, Q |